Human Cell Tissue Product (HCTP)

What is HCTP?


Human Cell Tissue Product (HCTP) involves using HCTPs to help your body to heal itself.  Advanced Total Health Clinic provides patients with HCTPs to help stimulate the regenerating healing process. These HCTPs are made up of hyaluronic acid, growth factors, mesenchymal, and cytokines, which are all powerful factors that help regenerate your body’s tissues.


Once you’re injected with the HCTPs, the growth factors can start triggering cell growth in the area injected. Over the following few weeks, cells may grow and divide, forming new tissues. This may heal damaged or injured areas you have, without going through a surgical procedure.



Which areas can be treated with Human Cell Tissue Product (HCTP)?

Human Cell Tissue Product (HCTP) with amniotic allograft treatments is beneficial for healing many types of bone and soft tissue problems, including arthritis. The injections help heal your:


  • Knees
  • Shoulders
  • Hips
  • Elbows
  • Ankles
  • Wrists


How long does Human Cell Tissue Product (HCTP) take to work?

Because you are kickstarting your body into making new tissues, it does take some time for your Human Cell Tissue Product (HCTP) treatment to start working. Some patients report a dramatic reduction in their pain levels in as little as two months, while others experience improvement within a few weeks. It just depends on how quickly your body responds to the treatment.



Will I need more than one treatment with Human Cell Tissue Product (HCTP)?

Possibly, depending on how quickly you heal and the severity of your injury. If you don’t see any improvement after several months, or if you don’t notice significant improvement, your doctor might suggest repeating the treatment, just to further boost healthy tissue growth. They can let you know what to expect during your consultation and assessment appointment.



Do the Human Cell Tissue Product (HCTP) injections hurt?

They are injections after all, so you may feel a bit of stinging, but only for a few seconds. Most patients describe a temporary burning sensation, although it doesn’t last long. If you’re sensitive to pain or are getting the injections in a sensitive area, your practitioner can apply a topical numbing cream. This type of cream decreases some of the stinging sensation from the injection and minimizes your discomfort

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Advanced Total Health Clinic
8305 Liberty Rd
Baltimore, MD 21244